Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
About IQAC
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Dr. Avinash Vikram
IQAC Coordinator,
Mandsaur University
Email: [email protected]
Quality Policy of the IQAC
Aims & Objectives of the IQAC
As per National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guidelines every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions.
Goals of IQAC
The primary aim of IQAC is
- To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
- To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
Composition of the IQAC
The following are members of IQAC:
1. Chairperson: The Vice Chancellor
- Prof. (Dr.) V.S.S. Kumar, Vice-Chancellor
2. Coordinator/Director IQAC
- Dr. Avinash Vikram, IQAC Coordinator
3. Member: 05 Teachers to represent all level
- Dr. Naveen Chaudhary, Dept. of Pharmacy
- Dr. Harish Patidar, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
- Dr. Avinash Vikram, Dept. of Business Administration and Commerce
- Dr. Shushant Maksane, Dept. of Ayurveda
- Dr. Santosh Rukari, Dept. of Education
4. Member :One Member from the Management
- Mr. Rahul Nahata, Executive Chairman
5. Member: Senior Administrative staff officers
- Mr. Ashish Parikh, Registrar
- Dr. Arunava Das, Dean of Academic Affairs
- Mr. Manish Verma, Controller Examination
6. Member: Nominee from Local Society, Students and Alumni
- Dr. Abhinav Parikh, Doctor
- Mr. Aditya Joshi, Student, B. Tech (CSE)
- Mr. Pankaj Chichani, Alumni, Life Sciences
7. Member: Nominee each from Employers/Industrialists/Stakeholders
- Mr. Sunil Panjwani, Banker
- Mr. Om Kabra, Industrialist
- Mr. Sanjay Jhava, Stakeholder (Parents)
Role of the Coordinator
The following are the roles and responsibilities carried by coordinator IQAC:
- To coordinate the dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education
- To coordinate the documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement
- To coordinate the quality-related activities of the institution
- To coordinate the timely and efficient execution of the decisions of IQAC committee.
Operational Features of the IQAC
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
- Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education;
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
- Development of Quality Culture in the University.
IQAC will facilitate / contribute
- To a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture.
- To the enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many good practices.
- To provide a sound basis for decision making to improve institutional functioning.
- To act as a change agent in the University.
To better internal communication.
Quality Circle: Aims & Objectives of Quality Circle
The aim and objective of the Quality Circle is to engage all the team members for continuous improvement in the performance of the University through free, transparent and meaningful engagement.
- Any suggestions, which contribute towards the improved performance of the University in any of the parameters of the quality benchmark.
- Any suggestions, which improves the system(s) of student /faculty/staff/other stakeholders interface by the University/Department.
- Any suggestions, which reduces the complexities of the system and improves the efficiency of the processes, within the established rules/regulations/framework.
Working of Quality Circle
Publicize and sensitize regarding need for achieving & maintaining Quality
- Wide publicity of University & Departmental Vision & Mission along with the Quality Policy.
- Success stories of QC are documented.
Action on Received Problems/Suggestions through Various Modes
- The presence of the members of QC and the attendees of the QC meeting is to be recorded.
- All Problems/Suggestions received through any mode will be discussed by the QC during the meeting.
- In the meeting of QC, discussions regarding the finalization of suggestion/proposed solution to the problem raised may be done keeping in mind the points mentioned in the scope of QC.
- The recommendations of the QC will be sent to the relevant authority for consideration and approval for implementation.
- The outcome of the recommendations made by QC in its previous meetings must be discussed in the subsequent meetings.
- The review of the outcome of the implementation of the suggestions/solutions may also be made periodically and experience shared.
Minutes Of Meetings
Year 2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 10/06/2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 20/06/2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 28/08/2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 03/09/2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 14/12/2019
Year 2020
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 27/02/2020
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 26/03/2020
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 07/09/2020
Year 2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 26/02/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 06/03/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 21/09/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 29/09/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 20/10/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 27/10/2021
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 07/08/2021
Year 2022
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 22/01/2022
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 21/02/2022
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 15/06/2022
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 15/07/2022
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 26/11/2022
Year 2023
Minutes of IQAC Meeting – Date – 14/02/2023
Quality Initiatives
- Strategic Planning and Academic Calendar for Effective Curriculum Delivery
- Introduction of Course file for proper maintenance academic record.
- Internal and External Academic Auditing
- Reframing the Student council
- Special focus on Experiential/Participative Learning
- Special Programmes for Advanced and Slow Learners
- ICT based Teaching Learning and Evaluation.
- Introduction of new subject for online classroom/Digital Learning Platforms and basic computer skills, Soft Skills, communication skills and Personality development (Non University Subject)
- Monitoring on attainment of PO’s & CO’s
- Introduction of Value added/Certificate Courses to bridge the gaps and to hone the skills.
- Focus on Students’ Satisfaction & Regular Feedback
- Major Project allotment and progression as per (n-2)th Scheme.
- Introduction of Advanced teaching learning process.
- Frame the Administrative structure for smooth running the academics and other related work and increase the Students’ Representation.
- Conduction of Technical discussions with students on relevant and latest topics.
- Promotion of Research through MURC, Mandsaur University
- Encourage the faculty and students for publication mainly in SCOPUS/UGC CARE/WOS/NAAS journals
- Implementation of policy for traveling aid and registration for presentation in national and international conferences/seminars/ workshops
- Implementation of Policy regarding JRF and SRF
- Boost the communications for external grant for seminars and projects
- Encourage the faculty and students for SWAYAM/NEPTEL/certified Online courses
- Introduction of combined brochure of sophisticated instrument facility available in the Mandsaur University.
- Organization of Seminars/Conferences/Workshops
- Strengthening the Industrial interaction by organizing expert lecture, student’s training, internship and MOU’s.
- Arrangements of Training sessions for Non- Teaching (supporting) staff of the University
- Introduction of Top 10/20 Schemes for meritorious Students
- Renovation & Modification of the Laboratories
- Platforms for Extension/Outreach activities
- Online/Offline Structured Feedback Mechanism
- Targets defined to each faculty member’s cadre wise for improvement in their professional growth.
- Formation of 13 clubs from different area for overall of student’s growth and exposure.
- Special Emphasis on Training & Placement of the students
- Effective Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- Library Automation & Enrichment of its Resources
- Proactive Alumni Association
- Environmental Consciousness & Sustainability.
- Conservation of Natural Resources
- Celebrations of National Events/Days/Festivals
Quality Initiatives undertaken and their Assurance
S.No. | Quality Initiatives | Quality assurance |
1. | Internal and External Academic Auditing | Internal and external audit committee have submitted their audited report |
2. | Introduction of Course file for proper maintenance academic record. | Course files have been audited through external and internal academic audits. |
3. | Special focus on Experiential/Participative Learning | Experiential/Participative is reflecting in course file and co-curricular activities |
4. | Special Programmes for Advanced and Slow Learners | Aarambh and Aarohan program is organizing every year. Tutorial and remedial classes are also conducted for Slow Learners |
5. | ICT based Teaching Learning and Evaluation. | Special session has been conducted for ICT based Teaching Learning and Evaluation by the CSE Department. |
6. | Introduction of new subject for online classroom/Digital Learning Platforms and basic computer skills, Soft Skills, communication skills and Personality development | Students from various disciplines have been enrolled in newly introduced subjects. |
7. | Monitoring on attainment of PO’s & CO’s | Dr. Pradeep Laxkar and Dr. Aradhana Sethi have taken special workshop on Bloom’s taxonomy for Monitoring on attainment of PO’s & CO’s. |
8. | Introduction of Value added/Certificate Courses to bridge the gaps and to hone the skills. | University started Value added/Certificate Courses to bridge the gaps and to hone the skills. |
9. | Major Project allotment and progression as per (n-2)th Scheme. | Major projects have been allotted as per (n-2)th Scheme |
10. | Introduction of Advanced teaching learning process. | Prof. Devendra Sharma and his team has given roadmap for Advanced teaching learning process. The team in charge is under, they are required to choose suitable members. Training and personality development -Dr. Shailendra Sharma Academic Implementation-Dr. D K Sharma Skill Development- Dr. Arunav Das |
11. | Conduction of Technical discussions with students on relevant and latest topics. | Technical discussions with students on relevant and latest topics have been scheduled at department level. |
12. | Promotion of Research through MURC, Mandsaur University | Seeding amount and travelling incentive have been given to faculty members. |
13. | Encourage the faculty and students for publication mainly in SCOPUS/UGC CARE/WOS/NAAS journals | Research committees at various levels are encouraging for the same. A Google Doc has been maintained for the same. |
14. | Implementation of Policy regarding JRF and SRF | A well defined policy has been framed by MURC. |
15. | Boost the communications for external grant for seminars and projects | A Google Doc has been maintained for the same |
16. | Encourage the faculty and students for SWAYAM/NEPTEL/certified Online courses | A Google Doc has been maintained for the same |
17. | Introduction of combined brochure of sophisticated instrument facility available in the Mandsaur University. | Combined brochure of sophisticated instrument facility has been prepared and uploaded on the website. |
18. | Strengthening the Industrial interaction by organizing expert lecture, student’s training, internship and MOU’s. | Every department has done a good job in this area, a Google Doc has been maintained for the expert lecture/webinar etc |
19. | Arrangements of Training sessions for Non- Teaching (supporting) staff of the University | Dean, Administration has conducted so many Training sessions for Non- Teaching (supporting) staff. |
20. | Introduction of Top 10/20 Schemes for meritorious Students | Exam Controller is provided list of Top 10/20 meritorious Students, and every department is working on the scheme accordingly. |
21. | Online/Offline Structured Feedback Mechanism | Feedbacks have taken from all the stake holders. |
22. | Targets defined to each faculty member’s cadre wise for improvement in their professional growth. | A Google Doc has been maintained for the same, review meetings are scheduled. |
23. | Formation of 13 clubs from different area for overall of student’s growth and exposure. | 13 clubs have been formulated and coordinator of each club organizing events time to time. |
24. | Effective Grievance Redressal Mechanism | Grievance Redressal cell is working effectively. |
25. | Proactive Alumni Association | Alumni Association have registered and working efficiently |