District Level Essay Writing Competition
Club:Social Awareness & Environment Sustenance Club (NSS Unit)
Year/Semester: NSS Volunteers, Mandsaur University
Activity: “District Level Essay Writing Competition”
Date and Duration: 10.01.2024 , 2.00 PM- 04.00 PM
Title: “वोट जैसा कुछ नहीं, वोट जरूर डालेंगे हम”
Brief description/ Remarks:
National Voters’ Day 2024 celebrates the foundation day of the Election Commission of India, marked on January 25th. The main purpose of the National Voters’ Day celebration is to create electoral awareness amongst citizens and encourage them to participate in the electoral process. In view of the same, the NSS volunteers of Social Awareness & Environment Sustenance Club (NSS Unit) of Mandsaur University participated in the district level “Essay writing competition” on 10.01.2024. On 14th National Voters’ Day, the Essay writing competition was organized on topic “वोट जैसा कुछ नहीं, वोट जरूर डालेंगे हम.
As per instructions of Chief Electoral Officer M.P. Bhopal, the district level “Essay writing competition”was organized at Govt. P.G. College Mandsaur. Before proceeding for the participation, Dr. Shekhar Jain, Director NSS, Mandsaur University interacted with the participant volunteers and motivated them for the competition. NSS Volunteers from different colleges and University of Mandsaur District participated in the Essay writing competition. The NSS Student Volunteer of Mandsaur University, Mr. Deepak Soni (B. Pharm IV year) grabbed IIIrd place in the District level Essay competition and has been awarded with Certificate and Prize money Rs. 500/- by Shri Dileep kumar Yadav, Collector and District Magistrate, Mandsaur on 14th National Voters Day (25 January 2024).
The participation of Mandsaur University NSS Unit in the program was coordinated by Dr. Shekhar Jain, Director, NSS along with Ms. TeenaYadav (Secretary NSS).
This activity inculcates the importance of voting and national voter. This encouraged the youth to participate in the electoral process. It not only encouraged the youth to participate in the electoral process but also focused on the fact that the right to vote is a basic right. This type of activity spread’s awareness among the youth and fostered theessential skills like critical thinking, creativity andmakes participants more academically prepared.
No. of participants: 10 Students
Prepared by: Ms. Teena Yadav, Secretary, NSS, Mandsaur University
Verified and Submitted by: Dr. Shekhar Jain, Director, NSS, Mandsaur University