Departmental Activity

About Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

The Faculty of Agriculture Sciences of Mandsaur University offers graduate and post  graduation programs in agriculture where students get hand-on experience on  scientific agricultural education with practical work in the lab and fields. This  department has improved the life of our future agriculturalists by creating innovative  solutions for agriculture, food, community and the environment. 

The objective of the B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture program is to educate future  agriculturalist, with the knowledge and skills in agricultural production, process, and  farming based on agricultural, natural, technical and economic sciences in diverse  areas of modern agriculture. 

Innovative programmes 

Some of the innovative courses in B. Sc. (Hons). Agriculture curriculum activities are  based on practical-orientated like Practical Crop Production (PCP) and Rural  Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE). 

Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) 

In RAWE students are exposed to real life of rural settings. Its aim is to develop a  sense of awareness among the students about the problems of farmers and rural  people to inculcate professional attitude in facing real-life problems. Major  components are industrial attachment, field visits, village attachment and plant clinic.  In the industrial attachment, students get attached to an agro based industry and gain  work experience over there. In village attachment, students get attached to a village  where they work with farmers. They also help farmers in various operations. Field  visits are organized to progressive farms, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Horticulture  Centers and IPM Laboratory, etc. In the plant clinic, students undergo rigorous  training. They diagnose the various problems of soils and plants related to production  and give solutions or suggestions to farmers. 

Practical Crop Production (PCP) 

It is an integral part of the course curriculum for B. Sc. (Hons) Ag. Degree program.  In this land is provided to a group of students. They have to cultivate it themselves.  They not only earn during PCP by selling their produce but also bear the risks  associated with crop production. 

Laboratory Facilities 

The University has well-equipped laboratories where students do experiments and  get practical knowledge. Here laboratories are functioning in different subjects. 

Computer Cell 

It has a large number of computers with internet facility. The students can use these  computers for their work at any hour of the day. 

Students Placement Cell 

This cell helps the students by providing training and counseling and getting them  good placement. The eligible students join MNC every year through campus  interviews.

Departmental Gallery

HOD's Message

Agriculture Science covers a wide range of fields, from basic to applied, to contribute to human  survival and life, including the analysis of biological functions, the production of foods that  make effective use of those functions, the conservation of the natural environment, and the  maintenance of our living environment, including local communities. In other words, modern  agriculture is not only an industry but also a practical study that supports our lives. 

The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Mandsaur University is one of the most reputed  agricultural institutes in Malwa MP. Our goal is to expand knowledge and develop professional  skills that ultimately improve students’ ability to research, think critically, and work in teams.  Rest assured that we are committed to providing quality, knowledge-based education, and  valuable practical experience through hands-on training in modern scientific laboratories, hi 

tech horticulture, adopted villages, and Agro-Industry. The result of the quality, experienced,  and committed faculty is our credibility and reputation as an agricultural institute which is  supported by the energy, enthusiasm, and ingenuity of our students.  

Mandsaur University (MU) adheresthe quality standards of education by providing our students with a  practical education that prepares them for careers in a growing job market. There is an increasing demand  for graduates with degrees in agriculture and related fields and MU is here to meet that demand. We  offer professional 4-year degree programs in agriculture as per the report of the 5th Dean’s  Committee of ICAR that provide comprehensive basic skills and advanced programs at the  Master’s levels. We provide a conducive teaching and learning environment with state-of-the 

art infrastructure and facilities that have enabled us to attract students from all over the world.  We offer a diverse range of academic degree programs and students benefit from our faculty members’  expertise in teaching, research, and extension. 

We have highly qualified and experienced faculty members from parts of the country. Students’  active participation and involvement in co-curricular and co-curricular activities and  community service significantly enhance students’ vision and perspective. Regularly updating  the curriculum as per the reports of Dean’s Committees and the demand of the industry through  the use of best practices and ongoing review of student learning outcomes is the stamp of  authentication of our teaching-learning practices. It is our sincere efforts that students not only  become a good technocrat and professionals but also good humans with strong values and ethics. This 

is ensured through frequent co-curricular and extracurricular activities including sports and cultural  activities. 

Our country is facing many unique challenges and it is the mission of the Faculty of Agriculture Sciences  of Mandsaur University to find solutions for feeding our country, protecting human and environmental  health, stewarding our agricultural resources, and enriching the lives of youth and families. We have a  clear vision for the future and are prepared to meet the needs of our changing world. 

Dr. Dinesh Baboo Tyagi 

Head of Department & Professor


Duration: 4/2 years (Semester System)


Constituent College of Mandsaur University


10+12 Science stream students with physics, chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics/ Botany subjects, and 10+2 Agriculture stream students, who have passed their board examination from a recognized board, are eligible to pursue this course. Minimum marks criteria exists, which varies from one University to another. Generally, it is between 50% marks in PCB/PCM/Agriculture subjects.


For admissions please visit our portal to register/login yourself and proceed ahead with your admission application.


Agronomy /Seed Technology and Farm Power and Machinery Lab

These laboratories are an essential organization in seed quality control programs and seed authentication. The final cause is to provide information about the quality of the seed to the producer, consumer, and seed industry.

Entomology Lab

In the Agriculture Department at MU, the entomology laboratory is highly-equipped for research on the methodical ecology of insects and bio-control of insects or pests. In this laboratory, the students work on various projects stipulated to them.

Plant Pathology Laboratory

The Plant Pathology Laboratory is equipped to attain and preserve the plant material in segregation for the identification and diagnosis of the diseases in the vegetables and fruit crops, caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, insects, nematodes, and mites included in quarantine and non-quarantine lists.

Horticulture Lab and Food Processing Lab

The Horticulture Lab traverses the worth chain of leafy foods creation, from seed frameworks to postharvest practices and showcasing. Improving occupations — through higher benefits and expanded supplement rich weight control plans.

Genetics and Microbiology Lab

A Tissue Culture Laboratory is where little plants are developed in an atmosphere compartment/chamber or development chamber for exploration, increase or propagation. It incorporates cutting rooms, media rooms, and development chambers. What’s more, a Microbiology Lab is where little living beings (called microorganisms) are examined and developed.

Soil Science Lab

It has well-equipped undergraduate laboratory and an Instrument room with state of the art instrument to conduct research on soil fertility, soil resource inventory, problem soil management, etc.
