The term “Scholarship” can have many meanings. At its most basic meaning, a scholarship is money for college that you will not be expected to repay. Scholarships are offered by colleges, the government, some private organizations and individual charities. It is a better to apply for multiple scholarships at the same time and increase the chances of wining one. The Ministry offers National as well as External Scholarships to the needy students.
Scholarships to students on various parameters are:
Scholarships | Details | Further Details |
MU Scholarship | Mandsaur University offers the unique opportunity to acquire an excellent, multi-disciplinary education at a lower cost by offering our students access to scholarships. | https://www.meu.edu.in/mu-scholarship/ |
National Scholarship | Run by Central Government National Scholarship Portal | |
State Scholarship | Run by the Dept. of Higher Education, | |
NHFDC | Run by National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) |