Central Library “Seek Knowledge, Seek truth”
The University has a well stocked Central Library which has 42,245 volumes with 12,198 titles of textbooks and reference books on various subjects [ME, ECE, CS IT & MCA, EEE, Civil, Diploma, M.Tech Digital Communication, M.Tech Ind. Mang. Eng., M.Tech (CIM), M.Tech.(E.T.), M. Tech power, MBA, BBA, BCA, B.Com Fashion Design, Tourism, Library Science, Journalism and Mass Communication, Education, Basic Science Books (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Communication Skills) etc] for the students and respective faculty. The library is fully automated and computerized. The library is linked with national and international networks through internet and LAN.
Central library is the soul of the academics at Mandsaur University. It is designed to meet the information needs of the users with an aim of providing “Anytime, Anywhere Access” to information. The Central Library supports university in building an excellence in academics and research by an established knowledge hub.
The Central Library has reading section for general reading and a reference section for referring different type of referal material like books, journals and periodicals, CD’S and current affairs magazines. There is subscription to 68 print journals, 24 magazines and E-journals, E-Books, E-Thesis through DELNET.

Reference section
Students have facility to refer different material of exceptional nature. Printed journals, reference books are available in it. Reference room can accommodate 100 Students at a time.

Information Center
A part of library, the information center is well equipped with 12 computer nods with internet access. It has an excellent collection of CDs and DVDs on science and technology for promoting audio visual learning for the students.

E-Knowledge center
It is a part of central library and has about 12 computers printer, scanner, CD/DVD writers E-Databases & Journals access and a server comprising of the digital library. Here the material is collected from various sources and kept in a structured format. Students can access it and do their research study. In future we are planning to extend this facility to the hostel rooms so that students can access this knowledge center round the clock.

Xerox and other facility
A separate Xerox machine for the students & faculty is available in the Library. Institute also encourages the students of SC/ST Category & other backward classes by maintaining an additional ‘Book Bank’ for them. Library on the other hand has seminars and group discussions for personality development and internet facility for the dynamic development of students. The central library is managed by a group of experienced and qualified librarian and assistants.